A workshop and ikarian "glendi"
in Basel on the 20th of April with Christiana Katsarou, Filippos Karimalis, Eirini Mavrogeorgi, Dimitris Spanos, Christina Koutsiafti, Giorgos Plystakas and Yannis Loukos!
Αn international informal group of lovers of Greek traditional dance culture...
9 Ιαν 2024
5 Ιαν 2024
Ηappy New Year 2024! Our 20th year together!

Hello dear friends!
We wish a very happy new year with lots of health, joy and wonderful dancing moments!
This shall be our 20th year together and we shall celebrate it with 2 projects! One in Samos during Easter celebrations and in Ikaria, as always, the last week of August!
I hope you can join us!
Here is the info for Ikaria, that you can share with your dancing friends!
Lots of love from all of us,
Christiana and Ikariadance "parea"
15 Ιαν 2023
Ηappy 2023 and our 20th IkariaDance Project!
Hello dear friends!
We hope you have a wonderful year to come with lots of health, joy and dance!
Here is the information for our 20th Project together! We hope to see you there!
For more information, contact us!
Christiana and IkariaDance
8 Ιαν 2022
HAPPY 2022! ...and our 2022 IkariaDance Project news!
Hello dear friends,
We wish you that 2022 brings back all that we missed during last year: embraces, hugs, partying and touching each other and dancing with strong hand holds! All this with joyful health!
Since when we dance, we stay more healthy and joyful, we decided last year, in an extremely difficult time of the year in Ikaria due to the pandemic to organize a "short version" of IkariaDance 2021 with a few friends who made a strong circle of love and music. With our singers and students of Kaiti Koullia the ambiance was even greater and we soon found our old good habits: some wine, some nice discussions from the heart, some wonderful music with our marvelous musicians and ...the souls wanted to dance again in their "natural" setting! Nature is so wise, now we know it well!
We are thankful to the people that came to Ikaria in summer 2021 in such a hard period for travelling and we are glad we tried to be together.
With the optimistic feeling that summer 2022 shall be a lot better from a travelling and dancing point of view, hoping that the pandemic shall fade out gradually...we plan to start registrations for IkariaDance 2022. The team plans to be the same, hoping that we have a good number of participants so to be able to invite all dance teachers from all around! Kaiti shall host her singing workshop as all the previous years! And... we hope what all Ikarians hope: to live the experience of the panigiria again!
We really hope that we shall be able to do all these with your help and support and your nice words to our dancing friends around the world.
Happy dancing 2022!
Christiana and Ikariadance friends
Music with Dimitris, Xristina, Filippos, Enaut
Dancing in NasGreek language cafe discussion with Christiana and Kostas
Percussion workshop with Christos and Etepo musicians by the sea...
With Kaiti and the parea in Vangelitsa tavern
and...the dance teachers' Dream Team ...Christos, Makis, Vangelis, Stephanos and our singers-dancers Seva and Nikos and Emmanuela. We were so sorry Yannis and Nikos could not be with us this year due to the covid pandemic...but we wait for the 2022!7 Ιαν 2021
Happy New Year 2021!
Happy New Year 2021! Καλή χρονιά!
We wish that this year shall bring to all health, joy, laughter, love and the hugs and dances and music and human contact that we missed so much the last year!
We also really do hope that 2021 shall bring us our IkariaDance & Culture Project! We sincerely hope to organise it in August 2021 : it all depends to the pandemic's evolution and the greek ministery regulations as for the organisation of festivities like panigiria and outdoor "glendia". We are optimistic that we shall be "free" to dance together in August! http://www.ikariadance.com/membre/index.php For people that wish to join our closed community of the IkariaDance parea (friends) in Facebook, please do not hesitate to ask me to add you.
For a new Year's present here are two beautiful Carols : the first for the New Year's
Day (from Ikaria) and the second for Epiphany Day (from Samos), a song presented last year. The first with our dearest friend Kaiti Koullia who participates in the Project and
the second with the Domna Samiou Choir & Katerina Papadopoulou.
Christiana & IkariaDance parea
21 Δεκ 2020
Merry Christmas wishes from IkariaDance

8 Ιουν 2020
Cancellation of IkariaDance 2020 due to the COVID 19 pandemic
Our Project can not be realised this summer 2020 due to the unexpected situation of the last months that has caused so much suffering around the world. We are obliged to cancel it but we hope that we shall see you next year and we shall dance and enjoy our good company without fear!
Lots of courage and good health to all of you,
Christiana and the IkariaDance friends
An older video posted by Naomi, from Isral to keep the nice memories :)