13 Ιουλ 2012

Peter and Henny for the Book of Memories

The seminar had as useal a high level,
Instead of the crisis Christana made it again,
we have learn a lot, dancing everydag hours, and besides of the dance, we know now Ikaria very well.
Thank you very much Christana for this avent, you and your associates are great!!!!!
Much love and agaphi from Holland.

Robyn for the Book of Memories

Until you come to Ikaria and you see our Memories' Book...hereby I copy some things sent to us... :) 
Memories' Book

A wonderful seminar, well organised, welcoming, "cosy" nice to be altogether in one group for the dancing lessons.
LOVED the excursion it was so fantastic to see more of the majestic scenery of the  island and take two swims in such perfect waters. 
Also a note on the food which was in my opinion superior to last year. I am sure catering for a smaller group is easier and I particularly enjoyed the gemista at Sotiris and the pikilia at Näis very delicious meals.  The meal at Panagiotis Pantopoleon was also beautifully prepared by the ladies for us all.
Christiana looks after every detail she really is a warm and caring person and this goes for her whole team.   Despite the economic crisis Christiane still gave, in my opinion, more than any of us could have expected.  A hearty thank you the Christiana and all of her team.

Robyn Roth

Thank you Robyn!! Recover well!!

after the dancers, the cardiologists!

Cardiologists and Longevity quest...

From today Cavos Bay hotel hosts an international conference of Cardiology where among others they shall debate over the reasons of longevity in Ikaria....( they should have asked us some days before....!)
For greek speaking friends, check these articles: 

For all the others, check the beginning of this "longevity quest", some years ago, during the Easter holidays. In fact those days that the research started (from american journalists and some other experts as I recall...) , we were having our annual dance seminar and I still remember the gossiping around each night about the research going on ( the older people telling the researchers shocking data on their sexual activities or age e.t.c.) Anyway, this research draw the attention of greek and other media (U.S.A, Austria and other channels have shown relative documentaries) and Ikaria's brand name now is enriched by the "longevity"increased rates.

12 Ιουλ 2012

Like the migrating birds of this page, all people that were a "parea" ( group of friends) a week ago, have gone back home but a part of their memories, their sayings, their mind pictures, their movements and their music is still back there....

So....feel free to share with us here whatever you might want....