9 Σεπ 2012

The last paniyiri in August in Ikaria...the last paniyiri for the summertime2012...
St Alexandros day.
A paniyiri organized in the memory of a young man lost, the man's family is feasting the memory with dance and music...
Enjoy the photos and the video posted by ikariaki radio!

Le dernier paniyiri a Ikaria en Aout...le 30 Aout un petit paniyiri pour la mémoire de St Alexandre et d'un jeune homme perdu...Sa famille l'organise chaque année pour danser et chanter a sa mémoire...


For the history of this "recent" paniyiri/ pour l'histoire de ce paniyiri un peu plus "recent" en grec a : http://ikariaki.gr/apo-enatama-sena-thavma/

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